Password recovery | decryption online

Online recovery password service for Archives ( Microsoft Office(doc.docx.xls.xlsx.ppt.pptx.xml.xmlx.mdb) OpenOffice(.odt.ods) Adobe(.pdf).

100% guaranteed decryption
for 40bit encryption (employed by XLS,DOC office files)’;

We provide limited decryption for newer office 2013 and office 2016 documents (AES). Probability for the recovery is still low at around 43%, but we are trying to improve our methods;

After decryption in most cases(audio files or executable files excluded) you will receive proof in form of a picture from part of your document. Our decryption always keeps the original format of your document as well.

We added bitcoin as a payment option and social plugin buttons for facebook, google+ etc. Please follow or like us if you are happy with our services


Adult FriendFinder Hit With Massive Hack, Report Says — TIME

A hack on the online adult dating and hookup FriendFinder network exposed more than 400 million users’ information, according to a report from breach notification website Leaked Source. The hack includes data from more than 339 million accounts on, which advertises itself as the “world’s largest sex & swinger community,” and millions of accounts…

via Adult FriendFinder Hit With Massive Hack, Report Says — TIME

Facebook Is Banning Fake News Websites from Generating Advertising Revenue — TIME

As the scrutiny over the online spread of misinformation grows in the aftermath of the U.S. election, Facebook moved Monday to categorically ban websites publishing false news stories from generating revenue with its advertising platform. The Wall Street Journal reports that fake news has been added to the list of content that disqualifies a website…

via Facebook Is Banning Fake News Websites from Generating Advertising Revenue — TIME

Cyber Attack Hits Australian Swimming Website Following China Olympic Dispute — TIME

The website of the organization that oversees competitive swimming in Australian has come under cyber attack, allegedly in connection with an Australian swimmer calling a Chinese competitor at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics a “drug cheat,” according to a report. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reports that the site remains operational despite a denial of service…

via Cyber Attack Hits Australian Swimming Website Following China Olympic Dispute — TIME

RAR Password Recovery Online

RAR stands for Roshal ARchive. It is a proprietary archive file format that supports data compression, error recovery, and file spanning. It was developed by a Russian software engineer, Eugene Roshal (the first letter of his surname contributing to the name of the archive format), and is currently licensed by win.rar GmbH

RAR files may be created only with commercial software WinRAR, RAR, and software that has permission from the licensor Alexander Roshal (Eugene’s brother). RAR for Pocket PC is the only freeware for creating RAR files.

Third-party programs that can only read (unpack) RAR files include: WinZip (Windows), RarZilla (Windows), 7-Zip (multiplatform), IZArc (Windows), PeaZip (Windows, Linux), Zipeg (Windows, Mac OS X), ALZip (Windows) and PowerArchiver (Windows), along with the free version of unrar (which is available for Linux and FreeBSD).

WinRaR uses a very powerful encryption method known as AES. AES is based on a design principle known as a Substitution permutation network. It is fast in both software and hardware. Unlike its predecessor, DES, AES does not use a Feistel network. RAR password recovery online decryption service takes place on our servers, so there is no need to install additional software.

AES has a fixed block size of 128 bits and a key size of 128, 192, or 256 bits, whereas Rijndael can be specified with block and key sizes in any multiple of 32 bits, with a minimum of 128 bits. The blocksize has a maximum of 256 bits, but the keysize has no theoretical maximum.

AES operates on a 4×4 column-major order matrix of bytes, termed the state (versions of Rijndael with a larger block size have additional columns in the state). Most AES calculations are done in a special finite field.

The AES cipher is specified as a number of repetitions of transformation rounds that convert the input plaintext into the final output of ciphertext. Each round consists of several processing steps, including one that depends on the encryption key. A set of reverse rounds are applied to transform ciphertext back into the original plaintext using the same encryption key.

There are many software programs available on the internet that can attempt to recover the password, but that can take weeks, months or even years if it’s a lengthy password or it uses special characters like: $,%,& etc.
In addition to the relatively high costs of these software programs (usually tens of euros/dollars), these do not guarantee a fast password recovery in a reasonable amount of time. At a mere fraction of the price of those software programs, and in a few hours, you can obtain your encrypted file using our RAR password recovery online service below:

Press here for RAR Password Recovery Online

What are my chances?

Did you accidentally forgot the password to an important word, excel, pdf, rar, zip file? We can recover it or we can decrypt the file.

This is an ONLINE RECOVERY PASSWORD/DECRYPTION SERVICE for Archives ( Microsoft Office (.doc.docx.xls.xlsx.ppt.pptx.xml.xmlx.mdb) OpenOffice(.odt.ods) Adobe(.pdf)

You can see here what are your chances for recovering your password!